How do you draw customers to your brand without a repeated sales pitch? You post interesting and engaging content. We at StartUp TakeOff developed a few ideas for posts. You will find that every tip can be adapted in one way or another for any industry.

1. News Affecting Your Industry
Patrons of a brand that specializes in hiking gear would probably be interested in news concerning national parks. Customers of a swimwear company might be drawn to an article about physical fitness. The Clientele of an upscale clothing store would almost certainly be intrigued by an article about New York Fashion Week. Give your Clients what you know they already want.

2. Tutorials and How-To Articles
Informative and fun, DIY articles will engage any reader. Recipes, tutorials, and other such projects function as an implied call-to-action: buy this product to make that thing. Such posts offer a subtle way to promote your product, but only as an ingredient or component of the recipe or craft. How-to articles need not be limited to craft projects: a law firm could list the steps for creating a will; a yoga studio might explain how to perform a quick stretch at your desk.

3. Behind the Scenes
Let your customers peek behind the curtain. Take Consumers on a virtual tour of the factory floor with photos and quotes (even better, use embedded video). Have your head designer take customers step-by-step through a project, from brainstorming through production. Show staff during team building exercises. These posts are great for quick, quality content.

4. Profiles of Staff
More personal than the “behind the scenes” posts, employee profiles reaffirm your brand’s humanity. While BTS posts showcase the process, profiles showcase the people. Introduce your newest executive officer or interview a veteran retail associate, for example. You could also feature notable team members: staff members who volunteer with special needs adults, raise service dogs, or mentor at-risk youth. These posts don’t have to be completely serious, of course: the CPA who plays in a bluegrass band, a copywriter who hosts a fandom podcast, or a customer service rep who runs ultramarathons. As with BTS posts, these provide engaging content and can be written quickly.

5. Profiles of Customers
These are very popular and hold massive appeal. Customer profiles will engage readers because they can immediately relate with the subject (“She uses Brand X, I use Brand X.”) Readers will also want to mimic the profile’s subject.–an online marketplace that positions itself as a DIY, handmade, and vintage alternative to other online retailers–uses this technique to showcase both customers and products. For example, Etsy might profile a theme wedding between two devoted DIY-ers. In the profile, the couple could share how they incorporated items they found on Etsy into their ceremony and reception.

6. Tips and Tricks
We’ve all seen posts like, “7 Topics to Avoid During Arbitration,” “5 Questions Your Web Designer Wishes You’d Ask,” “3 Simple Dietary Changes to Maximize Your Workouts.” These so-called “listicles” are actually smart content ideas. Writers can quickly research the topics that connect to your brand (without connecting directly to one of your products or services). A skincare brand suggesting DIY facial treatments, an accounting firm listing common tax mistakes, or a pet food company sharing a few tips for easier grooming: each successfully relates the brand with helpful information in the Consumer’s mind. These posts will attract future customers and establish your company as a resource.

There are several other possibilities for blogs. As with other content marketing, a blog post should be fascinating and well-written. Your goal for any blog post should be to connect with your Consumers and to reach any potential Consumers–we can help you with both.

See how StartUp TakeOff can improve your current content marketing strategy, click here for more information:

You can also contact us at [855-209-0226] or [415-795-2421 (new clients: press 1)].

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